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Welding Automation That Works Immediately, No Skills Required

Explore Hirebotic’s Welding Automation systems to boost your team’s output.


Is Welding Automation for Your Business?

  • Do you weld multiple part batches of variable volumes and complexities?
  • Are you struggling to hire new welders and meet the demand?
  • Are your profits getting squeezed out with excessive overtime and rework costs?
  • Do you have sound upstream practices to provide sufficient ready-to-weld parts for robot welding?
  • Can your downstream (painting, packaging, etc.) handle mass welding output? 
  • Do your parts accumulate value prior to welding, making weld defects costly to repair?
  • Do you have the right talent but can’t seem to capture a higher portion of the market?

If you answered yes to some or all of the questions above, welding automation is likely to benefit your business.

Our Cobots, powered by , are the 
solution you need. Give your team the tools 
they need to scale their output.

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Meet Advanta Southeast LLC, a South Carolina turnkey industrial manufacturer that had the right talent but struggled to scale due to a welder shortage.

After implementing our Cobot Welder solution, they quadrupled their production and were able to go after contracts they couldn’t before.


We went from 25 parts to 100 parts a day within a matter of just a few hours after we setup the first unit. So, it increased our output to 400% compared with manual welding.”
Mark Moye, Plant Manager, Advanta Southeast

What is Welding Automation?

Automated welding boosts the operator’s welding output by controlling the welding torch and other equipment with minimal human input. There are various degrees of automation in the welding industry. But generally, it comes down to getting the automation system to weld for you with more or less operator engagement. 

Welding automation technologies can be generally classified into two types:

  • Fully-automated welding - Usually used for mass production. The entire welding process is automated, from welding to part loading and inspection. There's very little human interaction with equipment at this level of automation.
  • Semi-automated welding - This is the most widely used method of automating welding tasks. It requires the operator to set up the automated welding equipment, monitor the process, and adjust as necessary. Likewise, the operator loads and unloads the welded parts.

Fundamental Differences Between Welding Automation Systems

The critical differences between welding automated systems are:

  • flexibility
  • ease of use
  • safety measures required
  • the volume of work justifying their use

Some welding automation systems, like collaborative robots, are designed for low to medium-volume automation. You can flexibly automate one-off jobs, 10-part batches, or 200-part batches, and quickly switch from batch to batch. Collaborative robots are easier to program than traditional robots and don’t require advanced safety measures.

Welding tractors also work for one-off or low-volume jobs, but tractors are far less flexible. They are a good choice for long longitudinal, circumferential, and even curved weld geometries on large welded pieces in heavy industries. However, they aren’t suitable for high-mix parts with a relatively small size. 

Other systems, like traditional industrial robots or large welding manipulators, typically require higher welding volumes to justify their use and aren’t as flexible. For example, the automotive industry uses industrial robots for mass vehicle production, or large structural steel fabrication can use a manipulator for all-day production of beams, piles, and trusses.



Welding cobots are hands-down, the most accessible and cost-effective way to drastically boost the welding output of low-volume, high-mix parts. And with the right cobot system, you can weld from day one without specialized training!

Benefits of Automated Welding

With the right system, you’ll cut costs, boost production, reduce rework, and increase capacity. All in the market with labor shortages! With fewer professional welders entering the industry than retiring, welding operations must adapt with automatic welding systems.


Boost Welding Productivity and Weld Quality

Welding automation can drastically increase the production rate and nearly eliminate rework.

For example, our Cobot Welder can skyrocket production with consistent weld quality. Human welders will eventually get tired with a large part batch, but our cobot won’t. 

“If a hand weld time took 25 minutes in the past, it now takes us five minutes. If it’s a five-minute part, it takes us 37 seconds.” 

— Ryan Lockhard, Robotic Weld Head at Spectrum Metalcraft, a Vortex Company

Higher Profits and Reduced Costs

Automated welding means fewer weld defects and no excessive overtime costs. You can improve profits on these two alone. Not to mention a drastic boost in welding output that’ll let you complete jobs faster and earn more.

Automation can also cut costs in less obvious areas. For example, our Cobot Welder can help reduce consumable costs like filler wire, thanks to much better efficiency. 

“In addition to decreasing production times, we have increased the reliability and uniformity of each part compared to using traditional robots.”

— Ernest Key, Operations Manager, Athena Manufacturing

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Higher Capacity and Ability to Take on More Demanding Jobs

To work on jobs in higher-value industries, your welds must be on point. Manually, it can be done. But consistently and with acceptable labor costs? Not always, especially with large orders requiring repetitive welding.

Welding automation can help you with the capacity AND quality that’s necessary to take on more demanding jobs.

“One of the biggest benefits that we've seen from buying Cobot Welder is our ability to go after contracts that we weren't able to get before. I would tell anybody if they're on the fence or questioning it, go for it. They won't regret it.”

— Mark Moye, Advanta Southeast

Ease of Use and Automation 

With the right system, welding automation can be incredibly easy to deploy. 

We’ve designed Beacon, our robot welding software, grounds up specifically for metal workers. No clutter, no excessive popups, no TCPs, and no XYZs. You can teach new parts to the cobot in just a few minutes, and switch from part to part all day long.

“We had welders learn how to use Cobot Welder in about half an hour. Hirebotics’ Cobot Welder has allowed us to let non-welders operate the machine. They don’t need to learn the programming language.”

— Matt Blowers, IMS

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Cobot solutions for metal fabrication ‒
powered by Beacon

With 600+ Beacon Powered Systems Deployed, our products 
are transforming the Metal Fabrication industry!

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Beacon App

No more programming. Power your cobots with Beacon

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Cobot Welder

Welding Cobot Made For Welders


Cobot Cutter

Plasma Cutting Cobot For Fabricators

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ESAB Cobot

Higher Productivity With Advanced Welding Features

ROI of Welding Automation

Calculating the welding automation ROI requires considering tangible and intangible benefits. You also need to consider the entire system cost. A welding cobot requires a power source and a welding table, among other elements. So, the total cost of the system includes more than just a robot arm. The same goes for many welding automation equipment, like welding manipulators, welding tractors, orbital welders, and others.

The key tangibles for any welding automation ROI calculations are:

  • work shifts you expect the system to be welding

  • labor cost savings in relation to the annual labor cost the automation system will supplement

  • cost of worker training to use the system

Thanks to Beacon, our Cobot Welder doesn’t require special training. You can use it right out of the box with a simple guide on programming the welding robot. So, you’ll experience faster ROI with less investment.

Besides a significant welding output per paid labor hour, the Cobot Welder will provide you with many intangible benefits. Your worker’s safety can improve with cobots, and their talents won’t be used on repetitive welding tasks but where their skills matter the most. You’ll also have better operational stability. If one of your welders calls in sick, another operator (not necessarily a welder) can operate the cobot on previously set parts. 


Read our case studies and learn how we 
helped other companies reach their goals

Case study tank technology inc

How Tank Technologies Reduced Plasma Cutting Cycle Time by 94% with the Cobot Cutter

Deangelo case study hirebotics

DeAngelo Marine Exhaust Inc. experiences 10X production boost...

Clip path group (14)

Vortex Companies reduces overtime hours & increases profits


Welding Automation: Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between manual and automated welding?
Manual welding requires the welder to control and execute the entire process by hand. Automated welding typically requires the robotic welding operator to set the part and weld variables while a robot does the actual welding. 
Can arc welding be automated?
Yes, all arc welding processes can be automated. However, robotic MIG welding is the most commonly used process in automation. Our Cobot Welder can achieve exceptional results with the MIG welding method, including mimicking the TIG welding weld appearance. That’s how we helped De Angelo Marine Exhaust, Inc. boost output by 10 times by automating manual TIG with the MIG welding process.
What are the disadvantages of robotic welding?
The initial investment and programming challenges are the primary disadvantages of robotic welding. However, some robot systems, like our Cobot Welder and our Beacon software, let you weld without special training. So, there are no programming difficulties like setting up a TCP or planes, working with XYZ coordinates, or using a programming language.
Are welders still in high demand?
Yes, skilled welders are still in high demand and will probably stay that way for a long time. Robots won’t always displace manual welders. Some of our customers have hired additional welders after implementing our Cobot Welder, thanks to the immense increase in the welding output. For example, Spectrum Metalcraft, a Vortex Company, created three new positions after acquiring the Cobot Welder, and their staff doesn’t have to do overtime anymore.
Will Cobot Welder weld my parts?

Our Cobot Welder can complete most repetitive welding tasks, but the part suitability depends on the part size, material type, and more. The best way to know for sure is to reach out to us for a demo so we can best assess your application needs.

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Want to learn more
about welding cobots?

Learn about insights, best practices, and actionable steps to automate your welding operations with collaborative robots.

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